Cultural Changes in the Era of Globalization and Its Importance in Intercultural Communication

Cultural Changes in the Era of Globalization and Its Importance in Intercultural Communication


  • Rusudan Mikautadze Akaki Tsereteli State University



cultural dynamics, cultural pluralism, cultural diffusion, cultural borrowing


Modern global financial and goods markets, media and migration flows have led to a rapid change in culture, manifested by the rapid growth of direct contact between different countries and cultures, borrowing cultural values and migrating from one culture to another. During these contacts, many traditional lifestyles and thinking began to change and often disappear, but at the same time, the process of globalization leads to the appearance of new cultural forms and lifestyles.Different societies react differently to changes that are foreign to them. As a result, we are witnessing the emergence of ethno-religious conflict in many countries, the formation of nationalist sentiments and regional fundamentalist movements in politics, that is, there is some potential for conflict in the process of globalization of culture itself. However, global processes do not lead to the formation of a unified world culture. Modern culture is the abundance of original cultures between which dialogue and communication take place.Globalization helps people adapt to a foreign culture without denying their own one, urging people to master the values of another culture without harmingtheir national one. It involves voluntarily mastering the customs of one culture and the traditions of another, bringing them to their  own soil, and thus enriching their own culture.


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How to Cite

Rusudan Mikautadze. (2022). Cultural Changes in the Era of Globalization and Its Importance in Intercultural Communication. Language and Culture, (27).


