Phraseological picture of the universe as a system of national worldview

Phraseological picture of the universe as a system of national worldview


  • Sophio Mzavia Akaki Tsereteli State University



picture of the world, phraseological system


The specificity of the linguistic picture of the world, the national (and in this sense, unique) component of meaning, is revealed at all levels of the language system although it is particularly clearly represented in vocabulary and phraseology. The phraseological picture of the world represents the totality of people’s knowledge about the world, primarily at the level of day-to-day awareness; in this sense it can be called a naïve picture of the universe. Phraseological units of language contain typical fragments of reality (action, situation, situation, quality, quantity, etc.) that are thought of in relation to each other. These situations become a stereotype of human behavior driven by a national cultural worldview. The paper presents the substantiated opinions of linguists that due to the cultural connotation contained in phraseology, the phraseological picture of the world is an important field of contradictory linguistic research


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How to Cite

Sophio Mzavia. (2022). Phraseological picture of the universe as a system of national worldview. Language and Culture, (27).


