Problem of Inner Hierarchy and Typology of Interdisciplinary Methodology

Problem of Inner Hierarchy and Typology of Interdisciplinary Methodology


  • Ekaterine Julakidze Akaki Tsereteli State University
  • Zinaida Chachanidze Akaki Tsereteli State University



The main aspect of the modern humanitarian thinking is the link of two fundamental methodology such as interparadugmality and interdisciplinarity. The padigme means how the scientific discipline considers the researched object on the certain stage of it’s existence. The methodological discipline studies an aspect of the reality. The modern understanding of the interdisciplinary methodology means textual researches on the bases of linguistics, journalist genre theory and modern cultural theory. It leads us to the typological features of the interdisciplinarity methodology. These typological features are grouped as follows: The first  typological sign should be considered as an internal complexity of this methodology. From the paradigm standpoint, our research should be simultaneously linguocultural, intertextual and synergetic. The next typological sign of the interdisciplinary methodology is dynamism.  Since at the initial stage of interdisciplinarity, the linguistically understood textual aspect required linguoculturological interpretation, then it has become necessary to provide intertextual interpretation of linguoculturology itself. And at this final stage the paradigm synthesis needs to be based on synergetism as a completely new methodological paradigm. The third typological sign should be named on the bases of logical interrelation, where interdisciplinarity is characterized by complexity and dynamism. So, from this point of  view we should consider that the interdisciplinary methodology  is characterized by the capacity of seeing through the inner layers of the text phenomenon. Interparadigmal mythology is the synthesis of the theory and the methodology. We can name the paradigms of a higher hierarchy, they are: anthropocentrism, culturocentrizm and linguoculturology. As to the intertextuality and sinergetizm, in spite of their great importance and validity toward textual research these paradigms just beginning to be established in modern linguistics.


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How to Cite

Ekaterine Julakidze, & Zinaida Chachanidze. (2022). Problem of Inner Hierarchy and Typology of Interdisciplinary Methodology. Language and Culture.