Okropir Bagrationi - Populizer of Georgian Culture
Georgian society knows Okropir Bagrationi (1795-1857) as one of the organizers of a riot which took place in 1832, but only specialists know that he was quite a good poet as well.Even though his goal was difficult, which led to several defects, Okropir Bagrationi still managed to do his job well. Creating a scenic version of “Vepkhistkaosani” was very important. On the one hand for popularizing Georgian culture and on the other hand - it was a great step forward in development of Georgian dramaturgy. With his play Okropir Bagrationi, maybe without him realizing, created a new kind of a drama, so called “New Drama”, which made Georgian writing a part of the world's literary process again.
ალავიძე მიხ. (1947): ოქროპირ ბაგრატიონის პიესა „ვეფხისტყაოსანი“//ალ. წულუკიძის სახელობის ქუთაისის სახელმწიფო პედაგოგიური ინსტიტუტის შრომები, #VII, 117-136.
ბაგრატიონი ო. (1853): ვეფხის ტყაოსანი. ტრაღედია.ივ. სერიკოვის სტამბა. მოსკოვი.
კიკნაძე ვ.(1983): რუსთაველიდან გალაკტიონამდე, საბჭოთა საქართველო, თბილისი.