"Nonfiction" One distinctive example of a genre (Niaz Zosidze "Death is not possible now")
Niaz Zosidze "Death is not possible now" is distinguished his genre peculiarities: this is a rather eclectic collection of sketches, novels, miniatures and small scientific studies. At the same time, it can contain the four-century history of Ajara, but in it you will not find facts or historical figures presented in chronological order. To this is added the fact that the author is an integral part of the narrated stories, one of the main personage, in fact, every story is in the prism of the writer's subjective perception, every event and acting person is the object of his emotional evaluation and judgment. At the same time, the Creator does not allow the reader to forget: it’s all story that actually happened, no matter the yesterday, the day before yesterday, the year or the century ago, but it is really story that happened.What can be called such the text? Of course, the sample of artistic-documentary prose, in which the actual events, as the author himself notes, they are conveyed masterfully the mixture of "lyricism-pathos-sentimentalism". It is depicted the colorful face of Ajarian man , who could not break the three- century yoke of the Turkish-Ottomans, nor the two-century domination of the enemy Russia, who came as the relative. One of the main personage of the collection is Batumi - warm, sweet, hospitable, innocent, sunny-smiling, city of kindness.The real stories told orally by the villagers give the writer a kind of impetus to create the novella, the sketch. The fact itself is completely dissolved in the artistic text, transformed into an aesthetic event. His purpose is to convey to the reader the scent of history, its unique spirit, mood, breath of the epoch.
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