Sleeping water mystery in David Turdospireli's novel "Bagwash of Hearts"

Sleeping water mystery in David Turdospireli's novel "Bagwash of Hearts"


  • Nino Kochloshvili Gogebashvili state University, Telavi



David Thurdospireli belongs to the number of Georgians who made their modest contribution to the development of the Twentieth Century Georgian Small Prose.  David Turdospireli's novel works are a bearer of all the features characteristic of a small prose, which is expressed by the glow of mood, insensitive epic embroidery, intense expression, rhythm, in some cases lyricism and refreshment, the structure of the dialogue or the use of fabulous and fabulous fantastic and fictional elements. David Turdospireli's literary heritage is distinguished by an abundance of children's works, but attracts the attention of the reader as an interesting pattern of the writer's simultaneous era events and small prose reflecting general problems. In this regard, the archive of a writer kept in the Museum of Literature retains many interesting materials, most of which are still unpublished and therefore remain beyond scientific circulation.  This time, we want to focus on the 1916 novel "Bagwash of Hearts. " Water mystery, which falls asleep once in a century, gives a hope to novel’s main character to help him make his youthful dreams come true.


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თურდოსპირელი, დ., „გულების სამრეცხველო“, გიორგი ლეონიძის სახელობის ლიტერატურული მუზეუმი, N 24466-7-1;

სიმბოლოთა ილუსტრირებული ენციკლოპედია, (2007): თბილისი: ბაკამი გამომცემლობა;

თურდოსპირელი, დ., (1919): „გულების სამრეცხაო“, ნოველათა კრებული „გაწყვეტილი ზღაპარი, სტამბა ვ.ა. რუხაძისა, გაბაშვილის შესავევი, N1.




How to Cite

Nino Kochloshvili. (2022). Sleeping water mystery in David Turdospireli’s novel "Bagwash of Hearts". Language and Culture.