Traditional formulas in serve versions of “Amiraniani”

Traditional formulas in serve versions of “Amiraniani”


  • Teona Kekelidze Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University



The observation of the poetic varinats of the poetry of Amiran and the juxtapositional analysis allows us to underline transimissive aspects related to not only the funcioning of the text, but also, in general, its folkloric nature. The building material for the variants represents the “formulas” (traditional sintagmatic and paradigmatic elements). Some of them are spreaded as folk talkes, though most of them developed and settled in the tradition of the particular analitical texts.A comparison of the variants also showed that whatever consititutes to the development of the folkloric texts, also exists in tradition. It is the tradition that dictates the premade formulas, frame of the plot, model of the genre, to the author; these are what plays as a signifacent role in the constraction of the various texts. Therefore, folkloric texts serves not as an individual sample that needs to be memorised by heart, but it is a representation o the classes, types, and traditions.


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How to Cite

Teona Kekelidze. (2022). Traditional formulas in serve versions of “Amiraniani” . Language and Culture.