Georgia in the context of world politics (On the example of Batumi region)

Georgia in the context of world politics (On the example of Batumi region)


  • Irma Gogolidze Georgian Technical University



    The subject our research is the political situation in Batumi region –a historical part of Georgia, in the years of 1918-1921, and the role of big states (Russia, England, Turkey) in the creation and development of this political tension.  As a result of ongoing political processes (dissolution of the Russian Empire, the Brest-Litovsk Treaty and the political campaign accompanied by it, capitulation of Germany and its block states in the first World war), Batumi region became the object of political and military opposition among different states. It was a place of interest for Russia, Turkey, Germany and Great Britain.


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How to Cite

Irma Gogolidze. (2022). Georgia in the context of world politics (On the example of Batumi region). Language and Culture.