Some Characteristics of Literary Texts in Georgian Stories

Some Characteristics of Literary Texts in Georgian Stories


  • Nunu Geldiashili Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University image/svg+xml



Text is considerad to be a specific form of linguistic art. Solely, a text coherence or logical connection between its components cannot be the principal factor for readability and effectiveness of its content.  Structural unity of a text is essential. To achieve this unity and coherence of a text, we have to focus on sentence types, word order and their interrelation in a sentence. Based on qualitative analysis, we tried to figure out those eye-catching general characteristics of literary texts in Grigol Robakidze’s prose, that have the greatest impact on reader. Accordingly, our research paper discusses the following aspects:

1.A sentence with homogeneous parts- as one of the major characteristics of Grigol Robackidze’s short stories; 2. Simple sentence, where: a) a predicate takes its position at the beginning of a sentence; b). postposition of modifier-modified and disjunction; c. abundance of predicative and detached attributive adjuncts, instead of common attributive adjuncts; 3. omission of words/elliptical sentences as one of the important means to make sentences more concise and more rhythmical; 4. graphological devices of text, such as punctuation, that allows for correct perception of ideas.


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How to Cite

Geldiashili, N. (2022). Some Characteristics of Literary Texts in Georgian Stories. Language and Culture.