Existentialism and the literary works of Vazha-Pshavela

Existentialism and the literary works of Vazha-Pshavela


  • Malkhaz Baladze Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University




Philosophical direction - existentialism has greatly influenced the thinking and worldview of cultural humanity. It was main and the most popular direction in the late 19th century and in the first half of the 20th century. Existentialism left his deep mark on all spheres of human spiritual activity, but first of all it effected literature. After the Romantics, the development of Realism in the new Georgian literature, took the existential vision of human existence to a new level. It innovatively revealed his place in the world, complex inner nature and deep psychological shifts, which is known as ’’internal dialogue’’ in literary critisism and what is called ’’literary psychology’’. It is directly related to the existentialism that is the subject of our observation right now. Based on the above, Vazha-Pshavela's literary work is a clear example of this.It is interesting that the conclusions that the existentialists give us as a result of philosophical observations on man, his existence, are seen and shown in an artistic form in Vazha-Pshavela's literary works.Existentialists discover that the birth of an "inner man" requires certain conditions, and that it is melancholy, suffering, pain, which is perfectly accomplished in’’extreme situations.’’ Every detail, with its precise reflection of psychological nuances in artistic form, is perfectly conveyed in Vazha-Pshavela's literary works, in particular, in his poems.


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How to Cite

Malkhaz Baladze. (2022). Existentialism and the literary works of Vazha-Pshavela. Language and Culture. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2022.766