Developing individual lesson and transition plans

Developing individual lesson and transition plans


  • Iagor Balanchivadze Akaki Tsereteli State University
  • Marekhi Nikoladze Akaki Tsereteli State University



The article discusses the peculiarities of drawing up an individual curriculum and an individual transition plan for students with special educational needs. An Individual Learning Plan is a document designed for a student with special educational needs (SEN) that sets out the student's individual learning goals and ways to achieve them. It is important that the individual curriculum (ILP) is based on the national curriculum and takes into account its requirements as much as possible. ILP helps SEN students to be involved in the educational process according to their resources and skills. An individual curriculum can be of different formats, but in terms of content it includes: long-term goals; Short-term goals; Examples of strategies and resources that should be used to work on a child's needs.Early registration for children with special educational needs is designed to plan the transition process, a positive transition experience is one of the key factors in the future social, emotional and educational success of children. Parents of students with SEN should prepare the child for the transition from kindergarten to school, carry out several activities such as: saying goodbye to kindergarten, preparing the child for school, it is effective to go to school with the child and visit the environment, communicate with teachers and assistants, prepare for first class meeting and so on. The transition from study to employment (transition) is associated with a change in lifestyle. An individual transition plan reflects the consistent work process of a particular person and his or her support team with the goal of providing the individual with timely, supportive preparatory work and the services needed to make the transition flexible. There are three intermediate goals and phases in this path, namely, the phases of orientation, training and employment. An individual transition plan helps an adolescent improve his or her quality of life.The development and implementation of an individual curriculum and individual transition plan helps students with special educational needs in intellectual and personal development, promotes integration into society.


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How to Cite

Iagor Balanchivadze, & Marekhi Nikoladze. (2022). Developing individual lesson and transition plans. Language and Culture.