Diplomatic practice of ancient Rome in the IV century

Diplomatic practice of ancient Rome in the IV century


  • Jambul Abuselidze Akaki Tsereteli State University




Diplomatic practice, Ambassadors' Institution, Senate, Diplomatic negotiations


  1. IV century Roman diplomacy facilitated the long reorganization of government, which put the practice of diplomacy in front of a difficult task. Ancient Rome ruled the multinational people through practical diplomatic skills, centered on concluding treaties with military alliances and fulfilling obligations under treaties. Such a circumstance, in turn, laid the foundation for "people-to-people" diplomacy,  which sought to strengthen and change relations with dependent states and peoples through diplomatic  relations.Among other developments in the field of diplomatic practice in ancient Rome, a treaty of treaty  and alliance that established a kind of ambassadors' institution, and the senate, played a crucial role in  the practice of coercive diplomatic practice, most notably in the time of the Samnites. It is symbolic that  almost every city that was conquered by Rome was declared its property or an ally while the people living there were forced to negotiate through diplomatic contacts and conclude a peace treaty.


Author Biography

Jambul Abuselidze, Akaki Tsereteli State University

Akaki Tsereteli State University


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How to Cite

Jambul Abuselidze. (2022). Diplomatic practice of ancient Rome in the IV century. Language and Culture. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2022.761