Dynamics of the Definitions of Culture and Cultural Policy

Dynamics of the Definitions of Culture and Cultural Policy


  • Vazha Shatberashvili




Culture, Policy, Cultural Policy, Definition, Dynamics of Definitions


The primary purpose of the article is to demonstrate non-sustainability of the definition of cultural policy in terms of its dynamic and positive development. For this very reason, within the initial phase, the historical change of the concept of culture related to the cultural policy and its essence were reconsidered. This is derived from the fact, that clarifies multidimensional understanding of culture as one of the underlying reasons for the complexity of cultural policy. The article covers historic and primitive forms of cultural management, until the time when, due to the importance of culture for the development of humanity, in the second half of the twentieth century, cultural policy has been internationally recognized by the states as an essential cultural management mechanism. Illustrating the abovementioned, the article envisages both historical as well as contemporary works dedicated to culture and cultural policy.


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How to Cite

Vazha Shatberashvili. (2021). Dynamics of the Definitions of Culture and Cultural Policy. Language and Culture, (26), 176–185. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2021.683


