For the Question of the Semantic Theories of Antroponyms

For the Question of the Semantic Theories of Antroponyms




The article presents and analyzes the semantic theories and the history of the study of anthroponyms, the syntactic characteristics of anthroponyms, issues related to the semantics of anthroponyms, as well as the features of the primary and secondary use of anthroponyms with a definite and indefinite article. As far as the tradition of research is concerned, linguistic considerations and concepts developed in the form of theories are especially important in this regard. In particular, the theory of names, the descriptive theory of anthroponyms, and the metallinguistic theory of anthroponyms. The subject of their research is the lexical and descriptive meaning of anthroponyms, the main reference, dependence on the context, information and cognitive content, convention (mutual agreement) of the participants in the communicative act.


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How to Cite

Kvirikadze, N. . (2021). For the Question of the Semantic Theories of Antroponyms. Language and Culture, (26), 23–30.


