One agricultural holiday lost in time and space

One agricultural holiday lost in time and space


  • Ramaz Khachapuridze



In the study of cultural history issues, some importance is attached to the study of ancient beliefs. Among such issues are the days-holidays of the folk agrarian calendar.   Handicrafts in agriculture were the main source of material prosperity for the people, the prosperity of the country and the barracks. People used various means to protect Chirnakhuli, including spells. Their discussion shows that one of the ways in which our ancestors fought evil was to suppress the Avsuls, because they believed that failure in agriculture was caused by dark forces.  Only the church continues the tradition and blesses the seeds to be sown in the field on the day of commemoration of Theodore Tyrone, unfortunately this is just a ritual that devastated agriculture can no longer use in practice.


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How to Cite

Ramaz Khachapuridze. (2021). One agricultural holiday lost in time and space. Language and Culture, (25), 194–199.


