The Spain Women’s anti-fascist movement in the XX-th century

The Spain Women’s anti-fascist movement in the XX-th century


  • Elene Chirakadze



gender, women’s rights, anti-fascist movement


If we look at the modern world, we can clearly see how big problem it is to achieve gender equality. Women still have to fight for their rights. Gender research has become particularly relevant in the 21st century. Special institutions, faculties, organizations and movements have been established which are actively working on this problem, including in Georgia. It should also be noted that the issue of women's participation in politics has become especially relevant in the world today, which has defined our interest in the history of gender. Since the XXth century, we have been actively witnessing the establishment of gender sciences in various educational institutions. For historians, gender issues are very interesting in the context of studying political, economic or social history, it is interesting how the role and function of women was seen at different stages of history, according to countries with different levels of development or type of government.This paper presents one specific section of the huge prism of the struggle for women’s rights that followed the existence of the Francoist dictatorship in Spain.The paper focuses on the anti-fascist movement of Spanish women and their activities during the Francoist dictatorship in Spain. It also gives a brief history of the pre-period status of women's rights in the country and how it changed before and after the civil war.It is noteworthy that Europe in the second half of the twentieth century was completely different from Spain in the territory of Western Europe, where there was discriminatory rule on the basis of gender.


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How to Cite

Elene Chirakadze. (2021). The Spain Women’s anti-fascist movement in the XX-th century. Language and Culture, (25), 133–142.