Diplomatic relations between Georgia and Turkey in 1990 - 92

Diplomatic relations between Georgia and Turkey in 1990 - 92


  • Saba Tavelishvili Ilia State University image/svg+xml
  • Viktor Chikaidze G.Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies




Georgia, Turkey, Minister of Foreign Affairs, recognition, Hikmen Chetin


Following the multi-party elections in Georgia in 1990, Zviad Gamsakhurdia assumed the role of chairman of the Supreme Council. The impact of the Soviet imperialist policy on Georgia led to severe consequences, including a rapid economic decline and the creation of a diverse and polarized society. The institutionalization of the government and the appointment of staff faced significant challenges. The Russian Federation, as the legal successor of the Soviet Union, took over the material and technical base, as well as the property of diplomatic missions located abroad.

On November 22, 1990, in Georgia ministries were appointed, with Giorgi Khoshtaria taking on the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Despite the official signing of diplomatic relations between Georgia and Turkey on May 21, 1992, it is noteworthy to explore the contacts that predated this event. These interactions played a pivotal role in influencing the Turkish government's decision to recognize Georgia as an independent state and formalize various international agreements.

The article delves into the initial independent contact between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia and the Republic of Turkey. It examines the thoughtful steps and efforts made by the diplomatic corps to establish Georgia as an independent entity in international relations and foster positive neighborly relations with its immediate neighbor.


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How to Cite

Tavelishvili, S., & Chikaidze, V. (2024). Diplomatic relations between Georgia and Turkey in 1990 - 92. Language and Culture, 9, 228–232. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2024.09.43