Homo-sapiens’ role of developing mankind
Homo-sapiens, MankindAbstract
Mankind has the difficult and interesting way of developing. This way was not easy, pleasant it was compulsory. The first man was various as the author has written in his book “Homo sapiens”.
The first man could change as natural areal as human consciousness.
This began when appeared a fire and this fallowed a lot of changes.
The greatest change was when people began thinking and he could start food, clothes exist.
Today we live the period of “Technological revolution”. When human and technics changed places.
What is the result? Human forgot thinking and in this period is the problem of individual and increase massive human.
The author finished his book with these words: “Human exist is very difficult”.
იუვალ ნოახ ჰარარი „საპიენსი. კაცობრიობის მოკლე ისტორია. სულაკაურის გამოცემა, 2020 წ.
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ი.ბასილაძე, ქ.ძოწენიძე, ნ.ჭოხონელიძე „განათლების, სწავლა-სწავლების და აღზრდის საკითხები“, ქუთაისი, 2021 წ.