Joint activity of kindergarten and family in order to form a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers

Joint activity of kindergarten and family in order to form a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers




health, mutual agreement, consistency, support, experience


Health culture is an important challenge of modern times. Preschool age is crucial in forming the foundation of physical and mental health. Scientific studies show that the trend of children's health deterioration has become sustainable in recent years. In children with poor health, the level of anxious expectation of failure increases, which in turn leads to antisocial forms of behavior. Favorable results can be achieved only with the mutual agreement of two social institutions - kindergarten and family, on the basis of which health is maintained and strengthened, healthy lifestyle is formed, and the foundations of hygienic and physical culture are formed.

It is very important to have uniform requirements for education. Unity, systematicity and consistency of parents and educators, individual approach and mutual trust between teacher and parent. And the result is achieved when the family knows the basic content and techniques of working in kindergarten, and teachers use the best family experience of a healthy lifestyle.


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ჩოუიანი თან. ჯანსაღი ცხოვრების წესი საბავშვო ბაღში: აღზრდის მეთოდის აღწერა, მიზანი, შედეგი.




How to Cite

Orjonikidze, N., Akhvlediani, M., & Abdaladze, L. (2024). Joint activity of kindergarten and family in order to form a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers. Language and Culture, 9, 194–197.