Application of GPT Models in English Language Teaching

Application of GPT Models in English Language Teaching




English Language Teaching, a dynamic and adaptive learning environment


The article provides a general overview of works devoted to the use of educational systems based on artificial intelligence. In particular, we are talking about the field of teaching English in higher education. This paper provides data on the use of chatbots and virtual assistants in higher education systems in Georgia, the USA, Europe and Asia (China). The types of artificial intelligence technologies already introduced into language practice are considered: text, image, speech recognition, speech synthesis and natural language understanding. Examples of specific use of artificial intelligence technologies are also provided as illustrative material,  along with their effectiveness in teaching English at the university. The advantage of integrating GPT-based chatbots compared to traditional methods of teaching English is shown. While the latter is based on classroom learning and static materials, modern technologies make it possible to create a dynamic and adaptive learning environment.


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How to Cite

Diasamidze, L., & Tedoradze, T. (2024). Application of GPT Models in English Language Teaching . Language and Culture, 9, 76–81.