Modern approaches to teaching parataxis and hypotaxis and Analysis of methodological guidelines

Modern approaches to teaching parataxis and hypotaxis and Analysis of methodological guidelines




პარატაქსი, ჰიპოტაქსი, სინტაქსური, კონსრუქციის სწავლება


For effective teaching of parataxis and hypotaxis, it is important to ensure the unity of theoretical understanding and practical application, simultaneity. In this article, the issue of teaching parataxis and hypotaxis is studied, taking into account the modern approaches outlined in methodical guides, the importance of their teaching in the development of language competences and skills was emphasized.

For the study of the issue, we have used a corpus study as a methodology, on the basis of which the distinguishing features and advantages of the modern approaches to teaching parataxis and hypotaxis will be revealed, as well as the changes introduced in new grammars. Methodical guides are taken as empirical material.

The novelty of the article is the study of modern approaches to teaching parataxis and hypotaxis at the level of methodological guides.

From modern teaching strategies and approaches, emphasis is made on: Practical and sentence combining exercises, analysis of literary (artistic) texts (recognition of parataxic and hypotaxic constructions in fragments of novels, poems and essays and peculiarities of their use for rhetorical and stylistic purposes), peer writing review and editing activities, creative writing exercises and technology integration.

Teaching parataxis and hypotaxis in the modern classroom requires a dynamic and interactive approach that combines theory with practical application. By following methodological guidelines, teachers can empower students to develop their language skills, promote effective communication, critical thinking, and creative expression.


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How to Cite

Gabechava, N. (2023). Modern approaches to teaching parataxis and hypotaxis and Analysis of methodological guidelines. Language and Culture, (30), 94–100.


