Peculiarities of the modern French colloquial language

Peculiarities of the modern French colloquial language




French language, modern colloquial language, slang


Language is a moving system that is always undergoing changes: some words are no longer used and new words appear, political and international events provoke the creation of new actual words that are related to these events. The French language also obeys these rules. The most noticeable changes occur in the most "moving" part of the language, i.e. in the spoken language.

The word, which existed only in oral speech and belonged to argotisms, passes from the colloquial language into universal use, is reflected in the dictionary and is considered normative. The most common phenomena in this area of ​​the language are borrowings, especially from the English language. The influence of the English language on the French vocabulary began in the 17th century and reached its highest extent in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Modern French is full of slang expressions. Slang is colloquial language that contains words of slang origin that have become established in common language.

The material presented by us confirms that it is necessary to have not only neutral vocabulary and knowledge of grammar rules of the French language, but also to know aspects of the spoken language in order to understand our interlocutor, watch movies and read books in the original. Knowledge of slang will allow us to do this. The use of colloquial language elements is considered "natural" and is especially relevant when dealing with young people, as they are not attracted to "classical" language.


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Rey Alain, 2020: Rey Alain. Comme on dit chez nous. Paris, 2020.

Le Robert, 1998: Le Robert. Dictionnaire des expressions. Paris, 1998.

ახვლედიანი ც., ყუფარაძე გ., გაბუნია ქ., 2020: ახვლედიანი ც., ყუფარაძე გ., გაბუნია ქ. სიტყვათა სინტაქტიკურ-სემანტიკური ევოლუცია თანამედროვე ფრანგულ და ინგლისურ ენებში, ჟურნალი „ენა და კულტურა, #24, ქუთაისი, 2020, გვ.23-30.




How to Cite

Akhvlediani, T. (2023). Peculiarities of the modern French colloquial language. Language and Culture, (30), 1–9.


