Image-symbols of Alazani from the point of view of Levan Gotua
Rivers have a symbolic meaning in the work of Levan Gotua. As a writer thinking about the fate of the nation, he looks at the river with this eye, the river is an integral part of history, a witness to the fate of the country. The writer presents Alazani not only figuratively, but also is a kind of conceptual line that adds a new color to the work of Levan Gotua. Alazani is the mother river of the „Gmirta Varami“, on the other hand, Alazani and the Alazani floodplains are the main places in Levan Gotua's series of essays – „Mgzavruli Krialosani“, where the writer traveled by boat in October 1940 to the confluence of the Mtkvari. Levan Gotua, like his heroes, is the son of the "sweet country of Alazani", which has many enemies. It is on its shore that the pain of unity and the future of the nation is expressed. According to Levan Gotua's point of view, Alazani has different images - symbols, which are discussed in detail in the work. From the point of view of the writer, Alazani is a sacred river, like Jordan. In addition to the fact that water is a symbol of purity and renewal, it also has a special memory, a new age of the soul, renewal should be done with the "talisman opened in water" of Alazani
გოგიაშვილი თ. (1960): „თამარ გოგიაშვილის წერილი თელავიდან ალექსანდრა ჯაფარიძეს“. ივ.
ჯაფარიძის პირადი არქივი.
გოთუა ლ. (1965): „გმირთა ვარამი“. წიგნი I და II . „საბჭოთა საქართველო“. თბილისი.
გოთუა ლ. (2013): „გმირთა ვარამი“, ტეტრალოგია, ტომი 3. „პალიტრა L“. თბილისი.
გოთუა ლ. (1960): „მგზავრული კრიალოსანი“. „ნაკადული“. თბილისი.
სირაძე რ. (1982): „სახისმეტყველება“. „ნაკადული“. თბილისი.