Arabic Romanticists on the Form and Content of the Poem

Arabic Romanticists on the Form and Content of the Poem




Arab romanticists touched on important issues related to art and literature in their artistic works or journalistic works. Their views on the relationship between the form and content of the poem were new. They fought against the form and content of classical Arabic verse and tried to renew Arabic literature based on Western literature. They advocated unity of form and content. The attitude of the Arab romantics towards the theme, rhythm, measures and verse line - Beit - was a novelty. They demanded to write a poem, regardless of its size, on one topic, rejected the necessity of writing a poem with one rhyme and one meter as legalized by classical Arabic poetry, etc. Sh.


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How to Cite

Kutelia, M. (2023). Arabic Romanticists on the Form and Content of the Poem. Language and Culture.