Strengthening the cultural contacts of the North-Eastern Caucasus with eastern Muslim countries during VII-XV centuries

Strengthening the cultural contacts of the North-Eastern Caucasus with eastern Muslim countries during VII-XV centuries




The process of Islamization of the North-Eastern Caucasus in the VII-XV centuries consequently meant the influence of the culture of near eastern people on Dagestan. It also meant the strengthening of the Arabic language and Arabic-Muslim culture. That process determined the way of cultural development of Northern Caucasus for centuries. Through the Muslim educational system introduced in South Dagestan, which functioned successfully in the VIII-XIV centuries not only in this region, but also in neighboring regions, a new social stratum, the Muslim clerical elite, was formed from the 10th century. From the second half of the 10th century, the number of local scholars who left a significant mark on Muslim culture was increasing. X-XV centuries are significant in the history of Dagestan as very important historical-cultural changes took part in that period. The relationship among the central and peripheral regions of the Arabic-Muslim world which lasted for centuries, later (XVIII-XIX cc) become a powerful factor in the development and prosperity of the original Arabic literature.


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How to Cite

Moseshvili, D. (2023). Strengthening the cultural contacts of the North-Eastern Caucasus with eastern Muslim countries during VII-XV centuries. Language and Culture.