For the semantics of German toponymic and ethnonymic phraseologisms

For the semantics of German toponymic and ethnonymic phraseologisms


  • Tsisana Modebadze Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University image/svg+xml



The aim of the article is to determine the semantic meaning and groups of toponymic and ethnonymic phraseologisms. In research process, two semantic groups were identified:  phraseologisms created with the names of countries, that is toponymic. For instance:Leben wie Gott in Frankreich - living like God in France, i.e. living well, and phraseologisms created with the names of nationalities, that is ethnonyms:stolz wie ein Spanier - proud like a Spaniard. Phraseologisms with positive, negative and neutral connotations were revealed.


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How to Cite

Modebadze, T. (2023). For the semantics of German toponymic and ethnonymic phraseologisms. Language and Culture.