Teaching of uncorrelated compound sentencies

Teaching of uncorrelated compound sentencies





Sentences with consequence, concessional and  (evaluative) towards the main sentence we consider as a secondary events derived from parataxic constructions, which could not   fulfill the functions of the subordinate sentence and only resembled it in appearance and form. Therefore, they should be separated into a separate group, as a complicated form of a coherent sentence, which is functionally-semantically coherent, in form - sub-structured. It is clear that  they are not syntactically equivalent , additional, definite and circumstantial clauses. They are different   to the functional classification of syntactic members, but we   can combined them  into a group of clauses dependent on the principal.  This component  limits and specifies the main sentence meaningfully.


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How to Cite

Gabechava, N. (2023). Teaching of uncorrelated compound sentencies. Language and Culture. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2023.08.13