Some questions for the formation of grammatically correct speech of presschoolers
The child gradually learns the grammatical structure of the language by imitation. Soviet psychologists have studies the peculiarities of the acquisition of the grammatical structure of the language at preschool age, and the conditional-reflex basis of the acquisition of the grammatical side of children’s speech has been established in physiology. At preschool age, it can be obsefved that the child’s speech is characterized by both morphological and syntactic errors. A child’s complete acwuisition of the grammatical structure of the language becomes possible as a result of the purposeful work of the teacher at school. We recorded (partially) mistakes made in the speech of preschoolers and complited a system of exercises to eliminate them.
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(Бородич А.М. Методика развития речи детей. М.,1974, 1981.)