https://doi.org/10.52340/tuw.2023.01.36.23Ключевые слова:
Morphology, Patriot, Scientifical Council, Department, PedagogueАннотация
The main indicator of the democratic civilization in every society is measured by the position of the women in this society. Women are usually considered to be the weaker sex, but women who are able to use their energy have always had great power. Therefore, the role of the women in history is undeniable. The number of the women who left a deep mark in the history of Azerbaijan is quite large. One of such inexhaustible energetic Azerbaijani women is Asmatkhanim Mammadova Bayahmad who is a graduate of the Azerbaijan State University. She is a philologist, a translator, a social activist and a famous teacher. In this article, it is mentioned the scholar’s scientifical creativity. Asmatkhanim Mammadova’s articles and theses related to various sections of the Persian language such as phonetics, orphography, morphology, syntax, lexicology, grammar, as well as Persian literature, have been published in our country and outside the country. The number of her articles and theses like this is more than 200. These studies, which contain the scientist's scientifical researches and thoughts, have a special place in the teaching of the Persian language and are highly appreciated by the experts.
Библиографические ссылки
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