Lexical understanding of basic colors in the works of Terenti Graneli

Lexical understanding of basic colors in the works of Terenti Graneli


  • Pheride Sanaia



Ключевые слова:

Terenti Graneli, Semiotics, Symbolic, Color


Every writer appeals to characterize the objects with colors. Some writers’ language is rich with color indicating vocabulary. Each color express concrete event or trait: grief, sadness, beauty…

Color is considered in terms formal, semantic, biological, psychological, symbolic, etc. The researchon color symbolism provides interesting material in the linguistic and cultural direction. A complex study of the above-mentioned words allows observing the ways of lexis development, and their artistic-metaphorical definition as a psychological-social phenomenon, to determine the psychological and social context of the word, form, and content. It may be stated that the field of color vocabulary with its components expresses the historical development of particular languages.

Color artistic analyze has an important part in Terenti Graneli works. the most important fact is that the spiritual condition and personality of a character is often realized in colors and the reader is impressed. The dominant colors in his works are white, black and  blue.  One can meet yellow, red, green and gray colors as well that have semantic charge in his poetry. Using different colors poet describes comparatively peaceful events. He uses chromatic and achromatic colors.

The internal form of color words can be determined by the lexical-speech meaning, to which additional information is added in the context itself; Analysis of words is needed both separated and in context.


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Биография автора

Pheride Sanaia

Doctor of  Philology, Georgia, Tbilisi

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Sanaia, P. (2024). Lexical understanding of basic colors in the works of Terenti Graneli . Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(36), 97–103. https://doi.org/10.52340/tuw.2023.01.36.14


