DOI:Ключевые слова:
gender relations, state regulation of gender processes, life strategy, careerАннотация
Increasing public attention to the emancipation of the individual, a woman's self–awareness of her nature, opportunities, and self–worth of being make the study of socio–political processes that influence a woman's choice of her life path and profession relevant. This actualizes the need to study this problem in historical retrospect. For Ukraine, whose population inherited from the Soviet system elements of Soviet culture, mentality, consciousness, everyday practices and, of course, stereotypes, it is important to turn to the analysis of Soviet gender practices. Within the framework of this article, the research interest was focused directly on what place was assigned to women in the gender order created by the Soviet state, how and why the principles of women's involvement in certain spheres of socio–economic life changed at different stages of socialist construction, and how this state policy influenced their choice of profession. As a result of the work, it was concluded that the state management of gender relations was carried out by two types of mechanisms. On the one hand, the state carried out normative coercive regulation, implementing gender policy through legislative acts of various levels. On the other hand, it created an ideological coercive apparatus that controlled gender relations through dominant official discourses, setting the framework of representations. For specific people, institutional conditions appeared as a spectrum of objectively existing barriers and opportunities for their actions and realization of life projects. Under the conditions of rigid institutional control characteristic of Soviet society, options for life and discursive strategies for women were limited and reactive in nature.
Библиографические ссылки
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