DOI:საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Constitution, constitutional process, European integration, changes to legislation, reformsანოტაცია
The article examines the process of constitutional changes and their impact on the political system and the international vector of state development. With the acquisition of independence by Ukraine and the formation of its own legal system, there is a need to reform the national constitutional legislation taking into account European and world experience. After all, only the improvement of the Basic Law has a direct impact on systemic changes in the country. The analysis of the constitutional process in Ukraine in the context of its strategic course towards European integration is one of the most important areas of modern research in the field of law, political science and history. The constitutional process is considered as a step-by-step political and legal transformation of constitutional legislation (including changes to the text of the Basic Law), the development of constitutional legal awareness, the construction of a new system of guarantees regarding the practical implementation of constitutional norms for the productive construction of modern Ukrainian constitutionalism in the context of Ukraine's European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations. The basis of constitutional changes is the improvement of legislation at each of the stages of the formation of the Ukrainian constitutional tradition, the spread of positive perception of such changes in society and the formation of a personal need for relevant innovations. The article analyzes the historical aspect of the formation and development of the constitutional process from the first attempts to develop and adopt the Basic Law of Ukraine to the present. It has been established that the effectiveness of constitutional changes in Ukraine, in addition to the presence of the appropriate political will, requires proper legal support, the formation of an effective system of state bodies, and proper coordination of the efforts of all branches of government regarding their implementation. The national constitutional legislation is analyzed taking into account modern European and world experience. Assessment of the role and current state of development of the constitutional process in Ukraine is an important and relevant direction of modern political science research. This approach makes it possible to achieve integrated views and assessments regarding the formation of prerequisites and assessment of existing problems in the process of the formation of civil society and further adaptation of the domestic legal system to European standards.
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