DOI:საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Wild field, guards, villages, forts, settlements, citiesანოტაცია
The purpose of this article is to highlight the process of creating settlements on the Wild Field from the 15th to the first half of the 17th century. The territory of the modern Kharkov region was chosen as a geographic framework. To achieve the goal, the author set a research task: to trace the process of settling a given territory, the foundation of settlements, determining their typology at a specified time. To cover the topics defined in the article, heuristic methods of historical-genetic, systemic, socio-cultural, information research methods were used. Then there were 4 watchmen and drove around three villages. They covered lands to the modern Bohodukhov, Valki, Kharkov, Chuhuyev and Izium districts. Among those who served on the outskirts of the Russian state were not only Russians, but also Cherkasy (as Ukrainians were then called), Poles, and Lithuanians, which speaks of the international character of the region's population. At the end of the XVI - first half of the XVII century. the colonization of our region is directly related to the events that took place both in the Russian state (Troubles) and in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Cossack-peasant uprisings). According to the "Book of the Big Drawing" in the study area from the 15th to the second half of the 17th century, forts, settlements and cities appeared.
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