Crisis and Change Management at the Micro level

Crisis and Change Management at the Micro level


  • Lali Chagelishvili-Agladze Guram Tavartkuladze Tbilisi Teaching University
  • Koba Chagelishvili Guram Tavartkuladze Tbilisi Teaching University



Overcoming the crisis, changes, Customer retention, Anti-crisis program, Scenarios, efficiency


Changes are inevitable when managing company crises, it is essential for  the country as well as for business development. The world around us is changing. Changes are seen in technologies in demands ,environmental problems, globalization, depletion of natural resources and etc.. All these circumstances are related  to changes that are necessary and inevitable. If it is necessary for a company to have a goal, around which all staff will be united, then it is important for  all participants of the process, to  know about their purpose, role, obligations and responsibilities in the process.The aim of this paper is to study the crisis management practices at the micro level. Identify weaknesses in anti-crisis management and develop recommendations. Empirical and expert research in the paper revealed the inadequate readiness of companies operating in Georgia to overcome crises.  Most companies do not have crisis management experience, moreover, there are no anti-crisis plans and programs. The staff at the company does not have complete information on crisis management.  At the end of the study, based on a scenario approach, the effectiveness of short-term crisis management marketing program and process optimization is determined. It is noted that central figure  of the anti-crisis program should be the customer, whose individual request will be focused on the main messages of the company. In times of crisis, the  primary task of a company is to retain the customer, who  should ensure the company reputation and image stability.Abovementioned becomes even more important in modern conditions, when Internet technologies are getting more and more widespread and implemented  in the corporate culture, on the basis of which communication with B2B and B2C sectors is easy and fast.



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How to Cite

Chagelishvili-Agladze, . L., & Chagelishvili , K. (2022). Crisis and Change Management at the Micro level. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(34), 145–151.


