For Typological Features of Composites in Russian and Georgian Paremies

For Typological Features of Composites in Russian and Georgian Paremies


  • Manana Gambashidze Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University



Onomatopoeia, Composites, Paremies, Semantics, Word Formation


The vocabulary of the language changes almost non-stop, in which many ways of word production play a decisive role, including composites. This article discusses the different types of composites based on the example of Russian and Georgian proverbs. The aim of the research was to describe the activity and productivity indicators of composites and their grammatical or lexical-semantic role in presenting the psycho-emotional connotation of paremies. We have identified universals. The article discusses composites obtained by doubling the base, composites obtained by combining two or more different bases (or words). In terms of content, the meaning of some composites is equal to the sum of its constituent components and includes two or more concepts; We have considered composites that have become one-dimensional, Composites that have become semantic whole, the meaning of which is not equal to the sum of the meanings of the constituent words; We have also contrasted two conceptual composites, which are one member of the sentence, so the verb-predicate can only be combined in singular. We have marked out complex nouns with spelling of numerical names, synonymous and antonymous meanings, composites obtained by combining different stems or forms. We have reflected their quantified indicator in the table. The study found that despite the diversity of composites and the active role of language in the word production process, their productivity is significantly lower in the paremies of both languages ​​compared to composites used in other fields. The study found composites that could not be found in Russian proverbs. For example, grouping lexemes by elementary means, during which one, whole word is formed, that is obtaining composites by reduplication of nouns, proverbs, numerical names, and participles. The study of Georgian paremies has shown the cases of composites of interesting two-digit, antonymous as well as semantic meaning, which are combined with different stems, which could not be found in Russian paremies.



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How to Cite

Gambashidze , M. (2022). For Typological Features of Composites in Russian and Georgian Paremies. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(34), 81–93.


