The Role of Predicate in Guram Dochanashvili’s Fiction (based on „The Best Robe“)

The Role of Predicate in Guram Dochanashvili’s Fiction (based on „The Best Robe“)


  • Elene Philashvili Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University



Listener, Guram Dochanashvili, Style, Emotion, Expression


The article discusses the predicate in the language of Guram Dochanashvili's works (according to "Samoseli Pirveli"). The article shows that he creates a separate world in the language of the writer and through it is well expressed the character, mood, and inner world of the character. The predicate is active and dynamic in the language of the Creator. The static verb-predicate is also confirmed next to the verb. The predicate is very emotional in the writer's work, the emotion is sometimes positive, sometimes - negative. Emotion is accompanied by a strong expression, which makes the text more expressive. The following predicate is used to express positive emotions: they whispered, giggled, smiled, etc., and as for negative emotions, they are used: died, killed, cried, killed ... The action expressed by the predicate is mainly consistent in the language of Guram Dochanashvili's works. It is the way that the writer tries to show us action in dynamics. The movement is presented physically or psychologically in stages. He used the predicate just mainly in the past tense forms: looked, passed, hid, smiled, laughed … The present tense is confirmed next to them mostly during the speeches of the characters (I know, you know, you see) and the future tense (will shy, use, ask, bite) The use of the predicate of the writer's style has its own peculiarity: "it is raining"; "It was raining", "it was snowing". The statement that "the separate predicate is a sentence in Georgian" is clearly shown in the language of Guram Dochanashvili's works: "Bring me!", "Drink", "Eat", "Hungry", "Sleep", "and others. These forms, which are mainly evidenced in dialogues, make an independent structural unit with the writer. In the language of Guram Dochanashvili's works, lexical items or characteristics of poems of human, bird, and animal behavior are unusually combined with the appropriate predicates: "The horses roared"; "Dogs were barking"; "The dog was barking"; "The lion is roaring." The writer uses the name (a very adjective) to change the verb to the rank of the verb, which makes the language of Guram Dochanashvili's works so fascinating and expressive: "The leaves that fell to the ground withered quickly, but they did not turn yellow as elsewhere - pale, very pale yellow." Sometimes the literary idiom is stylized, the listener is taken to the metaphor: "Spring". The abundance of predicate characteristic of the language of Guram Dochanashvili's works is mainly a manifestation of the expression of the writer's language. The peculiarity of the predicate is one of the hallmarks of the writer's style. It is all this that makes the word of the creator extremely interesting and varied.



გურამ დოჩანაშვილი - „სამოსელი პირველი“ გამომცემლობა „მერიდიანი“, თბ, 2011 წ.




How to Cite

Philashvili , E. (2022). The Role of Predicate in Guram Dochanashvili’s Fiction (based on „The Best Robe“). Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(34), 75–80.


