Ways and Meanings of Expressing Denial in Russian and Georgian languages (according to Russian and Georgian folk tales)

Ways and Meanings of Expressing Denial in Russian and Georgian languages (according to Russian and Georgian folk tales)


  • Seda Asaturova Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University




denial, denial expression, double denial, single denial, general denial, methods and means of partial denial


Denial has been and remains the object of linguistic research. We were interested in the systematization of the ways of expressing denial in Russian and Georgian, the identification of some common (general) features and the tendencies of their development.The goal of our work is to confront the language remedies of expression in Russian and Georgian languages. As well as the use of uncertainty in fairy tales and systematization of their general characteristics and development trends.As a study material we have chosen Russian and Georgian folk tales. In the course we used descriptive, analytical, contradictory methods, elements of statistical analysis.We have discussed 600 Russian constructions from Russian fairy tales and 580 Georgian constructions from Georgian fairy tales.The anti-Russian and Georgian tales texts have revealed the expression of the expression as common (general), as well as different methods and means in Russian and Georgian languages.It is distinguished by the frequency of use in both Russian and Georgian 1) Negative particles In Russian fairy tales negative particles are не and ни - 443, Georgian particles are not, can not, do not, can no longer, can not - 396.2) Negative pronouns in Russian fairy tales никто, никто, ничто,некого, никакой (41) and adverbs негде, некуда, неоткуда, незачем – 37, in Georgian fairy tales: pronouns nobody, nobody, nobody, nothing, nothing, nothing (73); Adverbs (9) Nowhere, Nowhere, Nowhere, Versailles, Never.In addition, in Russian fairy tales, cases of negative word (НЕТ) are equivalent to the negative proposal (НЕТ) - 38 examples. Also for this purpose, the predictions are used in нет, нельзя, невозможно, немыслимо - a total of 30 examples.In Georgian fairy tales, the word is not used as a proposal - a total of 7 examples. The rejection is often transferred to Georgian through negative without prefix (29 examples). In Russian this prefix corresponds to prefixes Без-, не-.In Russian fairy tales are represented as a single denial, as well as double. Double rejection in Georgian fairy tales is rarely found. This circumstance confirms the fact that only one of the other denials was characterized by Georgian language.



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How to Cite

Asaturova, S. (2022). Ways and Meanings of Expressing Denial in Russian and Georgian languages (according to Russian and Georgian folk tales). Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(34), 36–42. https://doi.org/10.52340/tuw.2022.04


