Legacy of Jelyaleddin Rumiin the studies of Academician V.A. Gordlevsky

Legacy of Jelyaleddin Rumiin the studies of Academician V.A. Gordlevsky


  • Taira Alieva Institute of Manuscripts. M. Fizuli Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences




Jelyaleddin Rumi, Gordlevsky, Mevlevi, Sufi


The well-known orientalist V.A. Gordlevsky in his research did not bypass the work of Jelyaleddin Rumi, known as Mevlane (1207-1273/74), one of the outstanding Sufi poets, the founder of the Mevleviya dervish order in the city of Konya, named after him.There are many ways to know the truth. Various tarikats, tekke (in the current sense of "organization", "direction"), created by many learned theologians, were aimed at uniting people to serve God, uniting under the flag of Islam to do charitable deeds, help the poor, establish social equality, and suppress the facts of oppression of the poor by the rich. The Mevlewiye order of J. Rumi was the most influential among such tarikats.According to Rumi, God is absolutely unknowable. He is the creator of all realities. The human mind is unable to cognize the essence, but mysticism cognizes its attributes through intuition and feeling - boundless love. There is a continuous, single and eternal process going around in a circle, a process of descent and ascent (from Him and to Him).V.A.Gordlevsky defines in a very clear form his principled position on the problem of the Asia Minor Seljuks. According to the author, it boils down to removing “the accusations against the Seljukids, sometimes prompted by the predilection of some historians, as if the Eastern people – the Turks, the Mongols – only destroyed the culture of the people who profess Christianity.”V. A. Gordlevsky writes that J. Rumi had disciples-followers not only among Muslims; listening and watching him, Christians converted to Islam. When Rumi died, Christians, Jews, followers of other religions gathered around the funeral stretcher next to the Muslims. They walked singing psalms and saying: "Looking at him, we knew the nature of Jesus, Moses and all the prophets".


Author Biography

Taira Alieva, Institute of Manuscripts. M. Fizuli Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Senior Researcher


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How to Cite

Alieva, T. (2022). Legacy of Jelyaleddin Rumiin the studies of Academician V.A. Gordlevsky. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(34), 21–29. https://doi.org/10.52340/tuw.2022.02


