The Odyssey of Eternal Love

The Odyssey of Eternal Love


  • Nino Gogiashvili



Elegy, Necklace, Neonaturalism, Javakhadze, Masterpiece, Poetry


The present manuscript is the review of Vakhtang Javakhadze’s long verse/mini-poem – Elegy: Necklace. During the analysis the hermeneutic method of text study, analysis and text research in the prism of literary sociology have been used. The verse is analyzed in view of poetry study too. Elegy: Necklace can be considered as part of long verse or mini-poem genre. When creating it, the author planned to write an elegy, although, the writing process prolonged and the text extended.  Everyone agrees that Elegy: Necklace is the start of something new in Georgian poetry. When we speak about literary movement, which one of them the mini-poem belongs to, we presume that it is either postmodernism or neonaturalism. The lyrical “I” is represented as the true “I” and with all the clear and unappealable naturalism tells the story of eternal love, told either by items or life events; either ups or downs. The poem is led by Murman Lebanidze’s poem title – Getting Used to Being Without You! which precisely reflects its main mood; Murman Lebanidze dedicated this poem to his deceased spouse and speaks about struggling to get used to living without her. The “internal dialogue” of the author and his beloved one does not stop and it is spoken about by items, gravestone and in the final part of the poem, the blue dove, as the sign of eternal connection between souls in love, as the symbol of immortal love. For more naturalism slang, barbarism and neologism are used in the poem. It is noteworthy that the poem is conventional or traditional, despite the fact that current poetry mainstream is a verse libre. The poem is distinguished by amazing euphony and tempo-rythm. The poem expresses the unusual humor and irony, which are the signs of Vakhtang Javakhadze’s style. Therefore, here is Vakhtang Javakhadze’s masterpiece – Elegy: Necklace, which is the start of something new in Georgian poetry.


Author Biography

Nino Gogiashvili

Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University


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How to Cite

Gogiashvili , N. . (2021). The Odyssey of Eternal Love. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(33).


