Figurative Comparison in Tedo Razikashvili's Works

Figurative Comparison in Tedo Razikashvili's Works


  • Elene Philashvili



Style, comparison, similarity, contrastive, qualitative


The article discusses the figurative comparison in Tedo Razikashvili's prose language, as one of the defining factors of style and one of the best means of revealing the outside world, which, naturally, determines the aesthetic and emotional function of the text.Tedo Razikashvili's stories are characterized by the diversity figurative comparisons. comparisons., in his works, the author mostly compares animate and inanimate things, humans and animals.In Tedo Razikashvili's stories, comparative constructions are made with the following grammatical connections: as if, as though and with separate adverbs and words: -ვით {-vit} as; -ებრ {-ebr} like/as, -თანა {-tana} like/as , -ტოლა {-tola} like, ktseuli {-ქცეული} and others. Sometimes in comparative constructions there are not used any connectives and that gives those constructions an emotional coloring. Figurative comparison in terms of expression is very interesting; the reader feels the writer's message vividly, clearly imagines the picture or scene that the writer tries to describe.We believe that figurative comparison is one of the defining factors in Tedo Razikashvili's prose language and writing style. It gives his language more emotion, and more expressiveness.Thus, it should be mentioned that the comparison is considered as one  of the stylistic features in Tedo Razikashvili's prose language, that makes our thinking emotional, and makes his fictions unique with its individual style.It is obvious that through comparative constructions, Tedo Razikashvili uses various possibilities of language, and consequently makes his own style distinctive and unique.


Author Biography

Elene Philashvili

Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University


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How to Cite

Philashvili, E. (2021). Figurative Comparison in Tedo Razikashvili’s Works. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(33).


