Metaphors of Life in German Idioms

Metaphors of Life in German Idioms


  • Tsisana Modebadze



phraseologisms, life/live, Metaphoric, classification, positive, negative


The aim of the study is to define the metaphoric meaning of the concept ‘life’ in the German idioms. The German word das Leben means both to live and life in Georgian. It means German does not differentiate them. Our task is to define the positive and the negative connotations of idioms containing the concept of life/ live. To solve this task, we searched for the relevant phraseologisms in the dictionaries and classified them. The study has revealed that lexemes denoting seasons prevail in such idioms. In a metaphoric sense, we can show these idioms as a whole life cycle: from cradle to grave. The lexeme spring stands for youth years (Der Frühling des Lebens-the spring of life), while the lexeme autumn stands for the old age (Der Herbst des Lebens- the autumn of life). In the same figurative sense, the lexeme Lebenmay refers to one day only. For instance, Leben ist ein Tag – Life is one day. This phraseologism shows the brevity of life. Metaphorical compound Lebensabend means the evening of life, that is the old age. The brevity of life is also reflected in the idiom sein letztes Stündlein hat geschlagen- ‘his last hour struck’, meaning, his life came to an end. Metaphorisation of human’s life is also common with the following lexemes: plants, travel, road, food, struggle, liquid and vessel. Thus, life is alternation of positive and negative moments. The former are often compared to light and the sun, while the latter - to shade, darkness and night. Proceeding from this life is a regular alteration of light and darkness, the sun and shade, light and dark.


Author Biography

Tsisana Modebadze

Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University


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How to Cite

Modebadze, T. (2021). Metaphors of Life in German Idioms. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(33).


