Fruitfulness of Georgian Oak (Quvercus iberica Stev.) in Kakheti Region

Fruitfulness of Georgian Oak (Quvercus iberica Stev.) in Kakheti Region


  • Malkhaz Samadashvili Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University



grove, forest type, forest ecotope, woodworking, exposure


We studied the fruitfulness of Georgian Oak in Kakheti Region: in the gorge of the river Batsara in Akhmeta municipality at an altitude of 650-700m above the sea level, with oak dominance in a grove represented by a slope of up to 150 slopes of south-western exposure. Akhmeta municipality of Kakheti region was selected for the study of the issue, where in two different ecotopes and forest-type groves, sample areas with a size of 50 X 50 m were taken..In addition, we have divided the model tree drills allocated to the sample areas into two parts, namely, the parts facing the north and south exposures, and several sections of the tree trunk - the lower, middle and upper sections. Separately, we studied the seed yield and the difference between these indicators in terms of both exposure and vertical parts of the exercise - both quantitatively and by weight. We also observed the shape, size and other characteristics of the oak fruits on the sample areas, according to which the shape of the oak is oval, slightly elongated, with an average size of 2.8 cm. Length and 1.1 cm. Width. On average, 655 pieces (65.5%) of the fruit were found to be fit - healthy, and the rest (34.5%) - underdeveloped, damaged and incapable of emergence. These indicators are of great importance in the production of forestry and cultural works. In all sample areas, due to the better quality of insolation, the oak productivity is better in the southern part than in the north. With proper protection and care in the Georgian oak groves of Kakheti, it is possible to get an average of 1 ton of fruit per 1 ha, which is quite enough to achieve the best indicators of its natural renewal and to prevent these difficult problems. As we can see from the Georgian oak cultivations we have studied, in the vicinity of Akhmeta municipality (Batsari River gorge) it is possible to get an average of 1 ton of seed material, which is quite enough to get a reliable adult in terms of protecting the farm and promoting natural renewal.


Author Biography

Malkhaz Samadashvili , Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University




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How to Cite

Samadashvili , M. (2021). Fruitfulness of Georgian Oak (Quvercus iberica Stev.) in Kakheti Region. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(33).


