Toponyms in the novel "sorrow of humanity" by goderdzi chokheli

Toponyms in the novel "sorrow of humanity" by goderdzi chokheli


  • Shorena Tsignadze Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University image/svg+xml



Goderdzi Chokheli, toponyms, etymology, semantic, morphology


              Since when have toponyms been a simple bind of letters? They reflect the old country's past life. that's why, its research is considered as the study of history.

    The first scientific research on toponyms was by a renowned scholar, historian and geographer vaxushti batonishvili, though accounts about them are saved in historical sources of V-XI and XII-XVIII centuries. The information about local toponyms is secured in "life of qartli" (qartlis cchovreba).

    The research of toponyms turned out to be especially interesting in the novel "sorrow of humanity" by goderdzi chokheli. Here their total number exceeds thirty. Their analysis is possible by a few aspects: specifically, morphology, semantic-etylological and historical-dialectological.

    We categorized them into groups based on their structure-production characteristics and obtained the results outlined below:

  1. Toponyms are partially derived from root vowel-based common nouns in any inflation, through nominal inflection. They are either vowel-based or consonant-based:
  • vowel-based: Dikhcho, Daomatsho, Lida, Makarta, Khoza.
  • consonant-based: gudamakhari Chokhi, Kitokhi, Atnokhi, Gamsi
  1. Toponyms, that are formed by word-generating affixes. For geographical words in roman there are used modifiers, such as:  -ur, -ul, -ian, sa-e, sa-o.

 SA-E, SA-O confixes express purpose. They are used with the same intention for: Saqore, Sakorne, Salagho- these used to indicate places where mass groups of birds lived, such as hawks and ravens. Then again, salago, should be indicating a place that is related to delight. 

-Ur - toponyms derived by origin of the name:

Cicqnauri, chobolauri.  We come across geographical names, which, other than -ur modifier, attaches N. We see this essentially with nouns (last names) and highlights that it's plural. 

- ian - Toponyms that produce the adjective of property, which are assembled from names and surnames.

  1. Toponyms are derived through the process of word association: gudamayari, winamxari. In named composites, the components are either both nouns or a combination of an adjective and a noun.
  2. Toponyms are expressed in the form of a limiter: swamp of straw, mountain of Nariani, mountain of Ozana, mountain of monks, mountain of Elia, mother of the place.  There is a used Form of substantive determiners, which.......

    A layer of geographical names is distinguished, that were formed during the archaic period, that's why it's impossible to distinguish some of their Etymology.  To clarify the above we analyzed a few toponyms existing in the work of goderdzi chokheli: gudamakhari, daumacxo and boseli.

Examination of toponyms existing in goderdzi chokheli's novel granted us the opportunity to highlight the characteristics, that exhibit each of their disparities between morphology, dialectical or Etymological-historical.


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How to Cite

Tsignadze, S. (2025). Toponyms in the novel "sorrow of humanity" by goderdzi chokheli. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(37).


