The Impact of Digital Transformation on Translation
translation, digital transformations, digitizationAbstract
The active development of modern information technologies and the Internet has completely changed the work mode of practicing translators, making it more convenient.
Subject of research. This paper examines issues related to technological support for translation, the pros and cons of digitalization of translation, and the limits and possibilities of using digital technologies in translation.
The purpose of the study. The purpose of this study is to analyze contemporary discussions on the problem of digitalization of society and its understanding both in philosophy and in special sciences, in particular, in translation studies.
Research objectives. The study focuses on the changes occurring with a person, social space and culture, expressed in the restructuring of thinking, perception, communication, language, living space and socialization of the individual. These changes are considered as global challenges for culture.
Conclusion. The information age is the age of translation. We urgently need to adopt new ideas and methods to discuss, think about, and study translation. Only then can we fully articulate the changes and trends in translation during the digital era, eliminate epistemological confusion and disagreement, and ultimately reconstruct the practice of translation and the research paradigm.
Translation education should be segmented as soon as possible: universities can offer basic translation courses, intermediate-level courses, as well as courses in technical writing, terminology management, localization and project management, computer-assisted translation, etc.
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