Addresses of the First President of Georgia in Exile to the Population of Abkhazia
Abkhazia, Constitution, Ethnic Conflict, Junta, President, NegotiationAbstract
As a result of the tragic events that took place in Tbilisi in December-January of 1991-1992, the legitimately elected president of the Republic of Georgia, Zviad Gamsakhurdia, became a displaced person from his own homeland. Despite this, he did not cease his efforts for the well-being of his country. The Georgian press contains records of his addresses to the population of Abkhazia, which he made against the backdrop of the anticipated or already ongoing bloody conflict in Abkhazia. Currently, when more than three decades have passed since these events, we are provided with the opportunity to draw more and, most importantly, more accurate conclusions. The issue itself remains relevant, as it is still pertinent today to properly define the political orientation of the country and address the gross interference of Russian imperial forces in Georgia's internal affairs, driven by the personal interests and active support of renegade emissaries they sent. Considering the current state of Georgia, which has been repeatedly harmed by these actions, the country's territorial integrity has been violated, hundreds of thousands of citizens have been displaced from their lands, and we continue to bear the consequences of the violent overthrow of the democratically elected national government. The search, analysis, and discussion of existing printed materials provide us with the opportunity to conclude that Zviad Gamsakhurdia did not spare any effort in trying to prevent a bloody confrontation in Abkhazia. Even in the conditions of the war, his attempt to stop the bloodshed and resolve the issue through diplomatic means seemed somewhat hopeful. However, Eduard Shevardnadze's treacherous position effectively sabotaged the negotiations process that had started successfully. Moreover, today, high-ranking officials of his own government reveal in their interviews that E. Shevardnadze was an adventurer and the instigator of the war, who usurped power and failed to govern due to the protest movement from supporters of the legitimate government, which was clearly evident even in the territory of Abkhazia. To consolidate his positions in power, he made a decision harmful to the country, which simultaneously aligned with the Kremlin's interests and was supported by the separatist government of Abkhazia. Therefore, today we can conclusively distinguish between right and wrong in the events that unfolded in Georgia, specifically in the territory of Abkhazia, in 1992-1993. This will help those interested in the issue and the broader public, both in drawing correct conclusions and in the process of evaluating and re-evaluating certain events.
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