The Influence of Race of Yeast on the Compound of the White Table Wines
yeast race, fermentation of must, organic acids, esters, higher alcoholsAbstract
In winemaking, the high quality of wine materials essentially depends on the type of yeast. Yeasts race affects fermentation dynamics, the formation of flavor and aroma, as well as the stability of wine materials. Properly selected yeast race can produce wine materials with predictable quality and chemical composition. The aim of the research was to stady the influence of French-made yeasts on the amount of organic acids, esters and higher alcohols formed during the fermentation of grape must, which determines the quality of wine and its organoleptic characteristics.
The latent period was practically identical for all four experimental races. In the control variant, fermentation proceeded more slowly, and the exponential phase was established more quickly.
The consumption of relatively active sugars and the release of carbon dioxide were observed while using VitilevureCsmYseo and ExcellenceXP races. The least active carbon dioxide release was noted in the control sample. Sugar fermentation by ActifloreF33 race was completed on the sixth day, by other experimental races – on the ninth day, and the control sample – on the tenth day.
The obtained results can be differently explained in the activity of enzyme systems of different yeast races, which is likely related to their genetic characteristics. In this regard, it was interesting to study the chemical composition of the obtained wine materials.
Tasting of the obtained wine materials revealed a correlation between the tasting evaluation and the concentration of titratable acids, especially between the malic and lactic acids, and higher alcohols. The highest tasting evaluation got the wine material prepared using the ActifloreF33 race. The remaining wine materials had almost equal organoleptic evaluation.
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