Soil Hydromelioration Problems in the Context of Global Climate Change
irrigation, soil, moisture, plant, cropAbstract
Water is one of the most important and highly mobile components of soil. The processes of weathering, humification and mineralization of organic waste are carried out with the participation of water. Water is present in the soil in several forms of soil moisture, which is the basis for the life of microorganisms and higher plants. Normal development of plants and soil microorganisms is impossible without sufficient moisture. To produce 1 gram of dry matter, a plant uses from 200 to 1000 grams of water.
The dynamics of moisture in the soil depends on the soil type and the soil formation
process. Alluvial soils have always been distinguished by their exceptional moisture content, which has led to the cultivation of many types of agricultural crops on this soil.
Global climate change has raised some questions about soil moisture dynamics, as a result of the irrational amount and uneven distribution of moisture, we have experienced a significant moisture deficit in some soils, and an excess in others.
The goal of the scientific research is to determine the amount of moisture in alluvial soil.
The amount of moisture in the soil was used to determine its moisture reserves and forms.
As a result, the actual moisture content, as well as the maximum molecular and maximum hygroscopic water content, was determined in the soil.
As a result of determining the above-mentioned forms and reserves of moisture, it was determined how much moisture is needed to fully provide alluvial soil with moisture. The moisture requirements of annual (wheat, corn) and perennial (adult and seedling grapevine) crops on alluvial soil were studied, the wilting moisture of these crops was determined, and finally the amount of moisture required for irrigation was determined.
Before determining the soil water standards, the alluvial soil profile was described according to different locations, and the physicochemical data of the mentioned soils were studied.
The scientific paper discusses irrigation water norms and irrigation implementation dates for grain and grape crops. This data has changed in light of global climate change.
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