Educator's readiness for gender approaches in leading the game in preschool institutions

Educator's readiness for gender approaches in leading the game in preschool institutions




kindergarten, game, activity, gender, educator


 Playing in kindergarten performs various functions: upbringing, organizational, educational. When leading the game, the educator affects all aspects of the child's personality. Differences between pre-school boys and girls are quite clear in the game process. For the game to become an effective means of gender education, it is necessary to guide the content of the role-playing game with joint games of boys and girls, in the process of which children will act together taking into account their gender characteristics. In connection with the issue, a study was conducted at the base of Kutaisi Kindergartens Union No. 4 branch. Interesting findings were revealed. The aim was to diagnose the level of formation of gender characteristics in children; Based on the received data, we are thinking of continuing the research. To determine how to properly plan the organization of the games, taking into account the gender approach.  


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How to Cite

Orjonikidze, N., Akhvlediani, M., & Abdaladze, L. (2023). Educator’s readiness for gender approaches in leading the game in preschool institutions. "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 7.

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