"Kabbalah of the Sun and the Moon" – symbolic images -icons of King Heraclius

"Kabbalah of the Sun and the Moon" – symbolic images -icons of King Heraclius





Sun, Moon, To cry, Christian, Shining


       "Kabbalah of the Sun and the Moon" is a symbolic portrait of King Erekle, who is a representative of the Bagration dynasty, who with deer's milk grew up. He appears as the son of Tamar,  and the first Bagration.             

        Like Tamar, Erekle is loved by the people, they believe that they are alive and that in the time of need, they will appear again as the savior of the nation. That is why the metaphor of the sun is a characteristic attribute of Georgian kings, including King Erekle.

We must take into account the theory of the divine origin of the royal family of Bagrations, as well as that the king is born with the sign of chosen one.

        In Christian symbolism, the Sun is the Son of God. God is compared to Christ, the Trinity. Heraclius is also the brother of Christ, and his growth is sacred, as is the growth of Amiran. Erekle looks like a hero of Georgian mythology, who had the image of the sun and the moon on his shoulders.

         Irakli is covered by the "Kabalak of the sun and the moon" in „The weeping of the Kizikeli woman“. This metaphor, first of all, emphasizes of the representative of the "Iesian-Davidian-Solomon" Bagration family, at the same time, the two luminaries – the sun and the moon – are symbolic images of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and, in general, the Trinity.

         On the one hand, Kabbalah is a symbol of manhood, on the other hand, this Kabbalakh is of the sun and the moon, and will lead the king to the heavenly kingdom.

        Erekle, born as a chosen one, with a special sign, lies in a golden coffin, which gives rise to the association of a golden cradle ("Maybe that child is lying in the cradle"), the cradle and the coffin "are different symbols of the same mythologem, seen from different angles", the time will come, the cradle will replace the coffin...

       The eschatological expectation is the mysterious herald of the return of the child...

       That is why "Chokha-Akhalukh" is not intended for Erekle. Only the "Kabbalah of the sun and the moon" covers him as a heavenly "divine guest" and the Lord's brother.


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How to Cite

Shaishmelashvili, T. (2023). "Kabbalah of the Sun and the Moon" – symbolic images -icons of King Heraclius. "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 7. https://doi.org/10.52340/idw.2023.61


