Levan Gotua - a Big fan of Nature (according to Publicism)

Levan Gotua - a Big fan of Nature (according to Publicism)


  • Tamar Shaishmelashvili




Nature, Forest, History, Geography, Paradise


Like Vazha-Pshavela’s Mindia, Levan Gotua was a mystic of nature. This feeling was compounded by the arrests. After each release from prison, nature became his refuge. Inspiration has also grown by a hundred. He came from nature in writing.The writer in his publicist letters argued why nature is „the protector of our nation“ and „geographical happiness“.  If we did not have this „geographical miracle“, we would probably have shared the fate of Babylon, Assyria, Hittites, Urartu and other modern tribes.Levan Gotua concludes that our history and geography are „completely inseparable". She called the forest „Green Mother“, the tree was also called the Green Temple.He was a great fan of nature. He thought a lot about the past, present, future and was sure that Georgia is not only a mountainous, but also a forest country. Almost all spheres of Georgian life began with the forest, he connected nature and forest with the fate of the nation and could not imagine any of them.According to him, sometimes the reason for the felling was the construction of the road and the reckless equipping of the „lovers“ with new technology.Levan Gotua connects the cultivation of trees with the multiplication of the nation. In his opinion, the reproduction of children and the cultivation of trees are almost equally necessary in Georgia. „We need to plant as many trees as possible, as if we are propagating our children“, he wrote.Levan Gotua declares Georgia a country of three „eternities“: Evergreens (subtropical vegetation), Forever white (snowy peaks), Forever blue (sea).The endurance and immortality of a nation are the companions of the three „eternity“ of countries.The forest is the main outpost of spiritual and physical existence.


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How to Cite

Shaishmelashvili, T. (2021). Levan Gotua - a Big fan of Nature (according to Publicism). "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 6. https://doi.org/10.52340/idw.2021.523




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